As adherents to The ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice, GDCC takes the privacy of all contributors of research information very seriously.
The answers you give us will be treated as confidential unless you have given your consent to the contrary. In the relatively few instances where we ask you for permission to pass data on in a form that allows you to be personally identified, we will ensure that the information will be used only for the purposes stated.
Taking part in our surveys will cost you nothing apart from your time. As with all forms of marketing and opinion research, your cooperation is voluntary at all times. We will not seek any personal information from or about you, without your prior knowledge and agreement. You are entitled at any stage of the interview, or subsequently, to ask that part or all of the record of your interview be destroyed or deleted.
Wherever reasonable and practical we will carry out such a request. Our website and interviewing systems have security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Only certain employees have access to the information you provide us. They have access only for data analysis and quality control purposes.
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